Yvonne Bell
Yvonne Bell
Christian Art and Church Vestments
Christian Art and Church Vestments
#Cope #Mitre # Altar Frontal #Pulpit Fall # Lectern Fall #Stole #Chasuble #Burse and Veil #Banner #Altar Fall #Preaching Scarf #Art
Flowers of Green
choose the animals you want on the ark
Crosses from the "Glorified" painting
Parable of the Good Samaritan
Rainbow Ark with people leaving it
Green silk painted Altar Frontal
Lectern Fall with orthodox icon of Baptism of Christ
Gold outlined celtic cross on green dupion silk stole
Green dupion silk stole with Grace and Mercy design painted on silk
Green dupion silk stole with celtic roundels of Triquetra and Lamb of God
Green dupion silk chasuble with celtic cross and pheasant
Altar frontal with deer to match pheasant chasuble
Pulpit Fall with rainbow stained glass silk painted cross
Green altar fall with rainbow silk painted panel
Gren dupion silk lectern Fall with rainbow silk painted panel
Green dupion silk stole with gold outlined flame and cross labyrinths
Altar Frontal with sunrise and fields
Green dupion silk chasuble and altar fall
cross and chalice
Rainbow of silk painted people on green stole
above multi coloured people
Green dupion silk stole with panel of painted silk depicting people and dove
Green silk painted Creation stole
Green dupion silk stole with rainbow flames and tirquetras
Green silk stole with countryside scene
Green dupion silk stole with rainbow and cross and people of painted silk
Green dupion silk stole with celtic roundels of celtic cross and triskells
Green silk stole with depiction of the flowers of the fields and the birds of the air
Green dupion silk altar fall with chalice, grapes and wheat
Green dupion silk stole with rainbow silk cross and chalice
Altar frontal depicting the wild life of the lakes
Green dupion silk stole with silk painted stained glass celtic crosses
Green dupion silk stole with panel depicting the painting "Cornucopia - Life in Abundance"
Celtic Knots on a green dupion silk stole
Green dupion silk Altar Frontal for a seaside parish
Pulpit fall to match G40 altar frontal
Green dupion silk stole with rainbow painted silk cross and chalice
Pulpit fall depicting a church's stained glass window on green dupion silk
Green dupion silk altar frontal
Burse and Veil to match G45
Green dupion silk chasuble with rose window design in painted silk to match G45 altar frontal
Green silk painted Altar Superfrontal
Stole to match G48
Burse and Veil to match G48
Green dupion silk chasuble to match G48
Green silk stole with painting of Urban Mission across both sides
Urban Mission painting on panel on end of green dupion silk stole
Green silk stole with "Behold I make all things new" painting
Green dupion silk stole with panel depicting "Church shaped People"
Green silk Ichthus stole
Green dupion silk stole with rainbow silk painted stained glass cross, lamb, chalice and bread
Green dupion silk chasuble lined with green cotton, panel of painted silk people
Green dupion silk chasuble with blue and green cross
Green dupion silk altar frontal with local river illustrated
Pulpit fall to match G60 altar frontal
Green stole with roundel of rainbow people
The Flowers of the Hedgrow stole
Stained glass silk painted cross on green silk stole
And some fell on stoney ground. green stole
Silk painted stained glass crosses on green dupion silk stole
Altar Frontal with silk painted roundel
Green dupion silk stole with Wheat and grapes into Wine on one side and washing of feet on other
Green silk stole with crosses and people making music
Green dupion silk Altar Frontal with the whole church celebrating
Green Altar Fall with Good Shepherd painting
Silk painted stole with Tree of Life
Green silk painted creation stole. People give me a list of the creatures they would like on their stole
Chasuble and stole with Worshipping People
Green silk stole with the women of the Bible illustrated.
Green silk stole with depiction of moment ofCreation
Creation Stole - Canadian
Silk stained glass cross and chalice
Dove and People
Green Altar Frontal - designed by the parish
Altar frontal depicting the congregation in praise
Guitar Praise Stole
Dupion silk Chasuble with rainbow silk cross
Voice pattern recognition software
Trinity in Green
Gifts of the Eurcharist